Artificial Intelligence Movie Summary
Artificial Intelligence is a Sci-Fi drama movie directed by Steven Spielberg and stars Haley Joel Osment Jude Law Frances OConnor Jake Thomas Sam Robards and William Hurt. In the not-so-far future the polar ice caps have melted and the resulting rise of the. A I Artificial Intelligence 2001 Plot Summary Imdb AI Artificial Intelligence is an ambitious yet profoundly moving sci-fi family drama held back by a superfluous middle act. . Aug 10th 2021 Published. The film revolves around the first android boy programmed to love and dreamed of becoming a real boy. Detailed plot synopsis reviews of AI. Last Updated on May 7 2015 by eNotes Editorial. This is what sets the story in motion. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 2001 11172016. Daddy issues are a theme that pop. Synopsis Artificial Intelligence AI is a 2001 film directed by Steven Spielberg. As an experiment he is used as a substitute for a couple who have had their....